Friday, June 24, 2005

Meditation 10 - Die before dying

"Just as there is life, there is death. Someone or something takes birth, grows, stays for sometime, deteriorates, and then dies. Another name for birth is death. You cannot have one without the other, meaning that when someone is born, someone will soon die (as most species do not live very long); and when someone dies, someone is soon born. Everyone and everything in its normal state wants to live as long as possible – eternally. Eternality, however, is not associated with matter, but is a spiritual affair. Death to matter and to our material bodies is inevitable, but if we master the science of dying before dying, we will connect with that which is eternal – our soul and its home in the spiritual world. After all, death is to remove everything false and secondary."
- Quote from 'The Beggar IV', pg.66, Bhakti Tirta Swami

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