Thursday, August 10, 2006

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


my eyes can see
so many places
they look out through time
and across large spaces

my eyes see ideas
they see contemplations

they squint
and focus
and stare
with dilations

my eyes see around me
inside and out
if my eyes do not see it
my mind creates doubt

with so many thing
for my eyes to see
it’s a pity
they go blind
when they gaze
upon me

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

40 years and counting

Here is a link to a Washington post article about ISKCON turning 40. It’s written at our temple in Potomac. In the article the writer describes a girl who saves an ant. That's my wife, Amanda.

Here is a link to the accompanying video. I am the guy standing up, holding the baby in the beginning of the video. Amanda is sitting in front of me, pregnant and in a light yellow top with a light cream silk chadar over her shoulder. Look for her throughout the rest of the video.

A fool's prayer

I want to know of all things God
I want to break him in small pieces
I want to point and poke and prod
And make flat all God’s endless creases

And it shall all make sense to me
God shall fit inside my head
And if he doesn’t logically
He’ll watch my faith go slow to dead

So here’s a tryst, to twist and bind
The mind, its thoughts, no reason find

For once I’ve filed him away inside
His brilliant mysteries shall go dim
When all things God are known to me
Why should I bow myself to him?

Monday, August 07, 2006


Check out our new galleries section. 9 new photos are posted there.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

That Artist

That son of the king of the cowherds,
whose desire for diversions
in the forests by the Kalindi's banks
knew no bounds
but was taken helplessly away from Vrindavana
to the king's capital
by the son of Gandini
Has sent me, Uddhava, his intimate confidante,
as a messenger to you, O exalted goddesses!

The sighs of pain
have dried up the beauty of his lips;
he has abandoned his sports,
his wan cheeks have taken on the brilliant white of sea foam solidified;
remembering repeatedly
the fragrence of our virtues,
fatigued in mind, O simple ones,
your lover, sends you
the following beautiful,
but inadequate message
- From the 'Uddhava-sandesa' by Rupa Gosvami, translation by Jan Brzezinski

Friday, August 04, 2006

Oh Tulasi

Just by looking at you, all sins become removed. Just by touching you, one's body becomes pure. By praying to you, all diseases practically become removed. If one waters you or makes you wet, the fear of Yamaraja (death personified) is destroyed. Just by planting or transplanting you, one achieves nearness to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If someone offers your leaves at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krsna, you awards liberation and devotion to Him, therefore I pay my humble obeisances to you, oh most wonderful Tulasidevi. - HBV 9.104